FF XI FFXI Gil Guides

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There are many ways to make Gil in game, here are some:

Air Elemental Farming

Level 30+

Air Elementals are found commonly in La Theine Plateau, And they consistently drop 1-2 Wind Clusters, which sell for 3.5 – 4.5K on most servers! This is an immense profit from such a common enemy.

Crystal Farming

Level 30+

Orcs native to San D’Oria drop Fire Crystals - worth about 2-3K per stack on most servers. Going to Ghelsaba Outpost and making a “train” and then killing them with an Area of Effect Weapon Skill quickly racks up the gil, and the crystals.

Moat Carping

Moat Carping is quite possibly the easiest / most reliable means of cash income, seeing as you can do this at ANY level, including level 1. To begin this- you must acquire a Fastwater Fishing Rod, and a few stacks of Yellow Insect Paste. (About 150 gil per stack of 12 on the AH) Then, go through Port San D’Oria, or any other freshwater spot. Set up your equipment and begin fishing! Moat Carp should steadily come in, and sell for 4K a stack on the AH! Note: The only drawback to this is that Fishing becomes highly redundant, however there is sure to be a way to ease the pain.

Leaping Lizzy

Level 30+

Bastok’s own version of Jaggedy Eared-Jack, Leaping Lizzy, is rather painless to kill- being only about level 16. The reward is tremendous though; with Leaping Boots selling for about 250-280K on most servers. The secret to LL hunting is to have sharp eyes when using the “Wide Scan” ability ( only available through BST or RNG sub. ) If you are constantly widescanning, chances are you’ll see the pop first and get the monster! LL boots are about 55% drop rate, and are highly useful for THF, RNG, and NIN.

Light Elemental

Light elementals are found on Lower and Mid. Delkfutt’s tower as well as Qufim island, but only appear during double light weather. (Aurora Borealis) Because of this somewhat rare weather effect, this is not a highly reliable means of income, but a profitable one. As with all Elementals, you’re after their element cluster, they can sell for around 10-12k per clusters.

[Note]: Several Monsters listed here, mostly Giants, drop Delkfutt’s Tower Chest keys: When used on a Treasure Chest, they can drop Gems or about 4-5K Gil. They have a 20 minute pop time. A smart way to go about using the chest keys is this: Acquire a key, open the chest, find another key, resume farming until next chest pop time arrives, then check all chest pop points, (they are fairly close together, and out in the open). and open when you find it. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Magic Pot Farming

Ahh Magic Pots, dating back to before FFVII, this is a classic FF enemy, this is no exception in FFXI. Magic Pots / Jars are found in Lower / Middle Delkfutt’s tower and drop Pot Shards, which sell for 12-15K a stack! As usual, THF sub ( 15+ ) helps with drop rate get about 15% higher.

Doll Farming

These Giant Robot like Creatures pack a mean whallop at lower levels, but lose their sting at 45+. They Drop Doll Shards- (10-12K a stack) and Mercury (10-15K a stack)
Jagd Dolls and Panzer Dolls are what you are after- kill and get rich. As always, THF Sub (above or equal to 15) greatly helps with drop rates.

Delkfutt’s Tower

Level 40+ (Lower to Mid Delk)

Level 50+ (Mid to Upper Delk)

Delkfutt’s Tower is a cookie jar for gil. Using THF sub (Level 5, yes level 5) or above, doubles your gil drop from Giants. Giants drop 100-300 gil per kill, and by mass farming them, that adds up quite quickly.

Maybe you will offense farming, but No Pains No Gains! Farming money is not illegal while farming then selling is. Though the price of Gil has been dropping off according to Game Money Research, why not making it yourself instead of buying when you lack of money? Try them and you will be rich too.


FF0nline Staff
Thank u 4 the information :)
mhhh crystal's farming it's hard >_> at yuthunga jungle no1 mobs drop crystals >_< (with signet) and the economy on fairy server was killed -_- fire crystals? 10k 4 ONE stack.
jujitsu gi? 3 milions; Habuerk? 5 milions >_>
4 live in ffxi, i'm farming "tree cutting", 150k for stack :)


Capuz GuerrieriDiJeuno
ffonline-7 ha detto:
There are many ways to make Gil in game, here are some:

Air Elemental Farming

Level 30+

Air Elementals are found commonly in La Theine Plateau, And they consistently drop 1-2 Wind Clusters, which sell for 3.5 – 4.5K on most servers! This is an immense profit from such a common enemy.

Crystal Farming

Level 30+

Orcs native to San D’Oria drop Fire Crystals - worth about 2-3K per stack on most servers. Going to Ghelsaba Outpost and making a “train” and then killing them with an Area of Effect Weapon Skill quickly racks up the gil, and the crystals.

Siamo certi che al livello 30 nn si faccia una finaccia con gli elementali??? e poi creare treni a Ghelsba??? che guida..adatta per morire e per essere segnalati ai GM.. :rolleyes: ..


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ffonline-7 ha detto:
There are many ways to make Gil in game, here are some:

Air Elemental Farming

Level 30+

Air Elementals are found commonly in La Theine Plateau, And they consistently drop 1-2 Wind Clusters, which sell for 3.5 – 4.5K on most servers! This is an immense profit from such a common enemy.

Crystal Farming

Level 30+

Orcs native to San D’Oria drop Fire Crystals - worth about 2-3K per stack on most servers. Going to Ghelsaba Outpost and making a “train” and then killing them with an Area of Effect Weapon Skill quickly racks up the gil, and the crystals.

Moat Carping

Moat Carping is quite possibly the easiest / most reliable means of cash income, seeing as you can do this at ANY level, including level 1. To begin this- you must acquire a Fastwater Fishing Rod, and a few stacks of Yellow Insect Paste. (About 150 gil per stack of 12 on the AH) Then, go through Port San D’Oria, or any other freshwater spot. Set up your equipment and begin fishing! Moat Carp should steadily come in, and sell for 4K a stack on the AH! Note: The only drawback to this is that Fishing becomes highly redundant, however there is sure to be a way to ease the pain.

Leaping Lizzy

Level 30+

Bastok’s own version of Jaggedy Eared-Jack, Leaping Lizzy, is rather painless to kill- being only about level 16. The reward is tremendous though; with Leaping Boots selling for about 250-280K on most servers. The secret to LL hunting is to have sharp eyes when using the “Wide Scan” ability ( only available through BST or RNG sub. ) If you are constantly widescanning, chances are you’ll see the pop first and get the monster! LL boots are about 55% drop rate, and are highly useful for THF, RNG, and NIN.

Light Elemental

Light elementals are found on Lower and Mid. Delkfutt’s tower as well as Qufim island, but only appear during double light weather. (Aurora Borealis) Because of this somewhat rare weather effect, this is not a highly reliable means of income, but a profitable one. As with all Elementals, you’re after their element cluster, they can sell for around 10-12k per clusters.

[Note]: Several Monsters listed here, mostly Giants, drop Delkfutt’s Tower Chest keys: When used on a Treasure Chest, they can drop Gems or about 4-5K Gil. They have a 20 minute pop time. A smart way to go about using the chest keys is this: Acquire a key, open the chest, find another key, resume farming until next chest pop time arrives, then check all chest pop points, (they are fairly close together, and out in the open). and open when you find it. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Magic Pot Farming

Ahh Magic Pots, dating back to before FFVII, this is a classic FF enemy, this is no exception in FFXI. Magic Pots / Jars are found in Lower / Middle Delkfutt’s tower and drop Pot Shards, which sell for 12-15K a stack! As usual, THF sub ( 15+ ) helps with drop rate get about 15% higher.

Doll Farming

These Giant Robot like Creatures pack a mean whallop at lower levels, but lose their sting at 45+. They Drop Doll Shards- (10-12K a stack) and Mercury (10-15K a stack)
Jagd Dolls and Panzer Dolls are what you are after- kill and get rich. As always, THF Sub (above or equal to 15) greatly helps with drop rates.

Delkfutt’s Tower

Level 40+ (Lower to Mid Delk)

Level 50+ (Mid to Upper Delk)

Delkfutt’s Tower is a cookie jar for gil. Using THF sub (Level 5, yes level 5) or above, doubles your gil drop from Giants. Giants drop 100-300 gil per kill, and by mass farming them, that adds up quite quickly.

Maybe you will offense farming, but No Pains No Gains! Farming money is not illegal while farming then selling is. Though the price of Gil has been dropping off according to Game Money Research, why not making it yourself instead of buying when you lack of money? Try them and you will be rich too.
allora la storia dei treni è veramente inutile visto ke al lv in cui puoi fare treni senza morire gli orchi sono gia too weak quindi nn droppano cristalli la LL ora droppa rare ex quindi è inutile i mob alla delfkut nn sono cosi facili da killare poi i light elemental cmq io consiglio x ki è abbastanza alto (50+) di farmare con i ragni le spider web almeno sul remora sono 15k l'una la storia del cristalli cmq nn è molto conveniente visto ke ora i cristalli sul mio server hanno avuto un calo drastico vanno bene x fare 10-20k ma x il resto vanno male. consiglio anke di farmare beetle jaw dai beetle ke valgono sui 30-35k a stakka e si farmano abbastanza tranquillamente a lv 30 alla jugner forrest


Nuovo utente
Tutti i soldi che ho fatto li ho fatti con Bcnm 40-60 e Kindred Bcnm 30 ( 2 Venomous Claws droppate :eek: )

Poi x i farming vero e proprio King Buffalos nell' Uluguerand Range..
droppano Buffalo Hides per 150 k l'uno e Buffalo Leathers per 200 k l'una (queste ultime stackabili)


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vero consiglio vivamente il bcnm 40 specialmente worm's turn ke è facilissimo col giusto set up e droppa di media 1 milione io ho aviuto anke 2 milioni di drop poi x smn si puo fare anke il bcnm 20 dei pugil ke è semplicissimo con la 2h e droppa il manequin body cmq i king buffalos x ke lv sono?


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FFLoverForever® ha detto:
gia,ma col blm è molto facile soloarli :)
come si fa ho visto spesso usare sleep danno stun danno via cosi? xke ho abbastanza problemi a solare mob come blm ora vado meglio xke con la scythe anke se nn skillata mi ha salvato spesso dalla morte


Nuovo utente
col blm diventa facilissimo soloare da 70 in poi , e facilissimo a 75

sono le magie 4 che fanno la differenza..prima la tua unica risorsa di "molto dmg",sono le ancient magic,che sprecano 1 casino di mp e sono lentissime.

a lvl 75 (con sub rdm pero) è semplicissimo:

stoneskin+blink+phalanx su di te per tutelarti.

sleep1 su un mob > gravity mentre dorme (che come sai rende un mob lentissimo) > magia lvl 4 (thunder 4,blizzard 4) > sleep 2 > magia lvl 4 > sleep. e cosi via fino a che non muore :)

thunder 4 fa circa 1000-1100 dmg su Very Tough e Incredibly Tough ,ha un cast time basso (con sub rdm e fast cast poi.) e spreca solo 175 mp. quando a lvl 75 se ne hanno 1 casino

Cosi facendo il blm è capace di soloare qualunque mob (se il mob non si puo sleepare: gravity > bind ,ma è piu pericoloso ovviamente) ,dagli Easy Prey agli Incredibly Tough . richiede solo prudenza e concentrazione.

Fortunatamente il blm ha moltissimi equip che alzano Enfeebling Magic a livelli piu alti,quindi puoi usare Enfeebling Magics come un rdm :)

spero di esserti stato d'aiuto


Nuovo utente
FFLoverForever® ha detto:
col blm diventa facilissimo soloare da 70 in poi , e facilissimo a 75

sono le magie 4 che fanno la differenza..prima la tua unica risorsa di "molto dmg",sono le ancient magic,che sprecano 1 casino di mp e sono lentissime.

a lvl 75 (con sub rdm pero) è semplicissimo:

stoneskin+blink+phalanx su di te per tutelarti.

sleep1 su un mob > gravity mentre dorme (che come sai rende un mob lentissimo) > magia lvl 4 (thunder 4,blizzard 4) > sleep 2 > magia lvl 4 > sleep. e cosi via fino a che non muore :)

Cosi facendo il blm è capace di soloare qualunque mob (se il mob non si puo sleepare: gravity > bind ,ma è piu pericoloso ovviamente) ,dagli Easy Prey agli Incredibly Tough . richiede solo prudenza e concentrazione.

Fortunatamente il blm ha moltissimi equip che alzano Enfeebling Magic a livelli piu alti,quindi puoi usare Enfeebling Magics come un rdm :)

spero di esserti stato d'aiuto
thunder 4 fa circa 1000-1100 dmg su Very Tough e Incredibly Tough ,ha un cast time basso (con sub rdm e fast cast poi.) e spreca solo 175 mp. quando a lvl 75 se ne hanno 1 casino
grazie mille veramente mi sei stato d'aiuto cmq io l'ho viso fare anke da blm/whm l'unica cosa ke gli cambiava era phalax e meno poteza di enfeembling cmq fino al 70-75 il miglio sub è whm vero? :finger002 :finger002


Nuovo utente
la potenza di enfeebling magic non cambia,non c'entra

i benefici del sub rdm sono: phalanx (rende pure difficile essere interrotto) , Gravity - essenziale x soloare mobs potenti - , fast cast x 2 - +int - qualche traits magic attack bonus in +.

Il sub rdm è il migliore in assoluto per blm :)

whm va bene x gli exp party soprattutto,ma x soloare come blm ad high lvls /rdm è un must (io cmq l'ho livellato dopo 75 blm,quindi whm va bene fino ad' allora :) )


Nuovo utente
FFLoverForever® ha detto:
la potenza di enfeebling magic non cambia,non c'entra

i benefici del sub rdm sono: phalanx (rende pure difficile essere interrotto) , Gravity - essenziale x soloare mobs potenti - , fast cast x 2 - +int - qualche traits magic attack bonus in +.

Il sub rdm è il migliore in assoluto per blm :)

whm va bene x gli exp party soprattutto,ma x soloare come blm ad high lvls /rdm è un must (io cmq l'ho livellato dopo 75 blm,quindi whm va bene fino ad' allora :) )
grazie mille pensp ke anch'io lo livellero dopo il 70 ah un altra domanda x sub whm è fonsdamentale avere erase o è tralasciabile? un altra cosa le ancient spell bisogna prenderle tutte o alcune nn sono essenziali? e spell come sleepga 2 e stonega 2 servono? xke il loro costo è esageratospecialmente stonega 2 x il suo uso


Nuovo utente
lol,stonega 2 io tuttora non cel'ho :)

sleepga 2 è utile,ho fatto la quest

per le ancient magic,a dir la verita non sono essenziali x niente,solo fuochi d'artificio divertenti .. flare pero puo rendere il combattimento con Maat una passeggiata incredibile..

Erase è un'altra spell che ho ottenuto dopo blm 75 lol
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