Dark | TBA 2013


Staff Forum
Sembra decisamente ma decisamente figo, soprattutto perchè pare non essere un classico fps ma un rpg con una grossa componente stealth


Active Member
Ed effettivamente:
DARK is a stealth-based action-adventure RPG in which you take on the role of the ultimate hunter: a vampire.

  • Stealth and action meet role-playing: earn experience, pick your dialogue choices and develop your skills to become the ultimate hunter
  • Use impressive vampire skills and powerful melee attacks to eliminate your foes from the cover of darkness -- go invisible, stalk your prey unnoticed and devastate them with up-close attacks
  • A variety of enemies await your fangs -- from mortal human police and security guards to fellow creatures of the night
  • Make your way through lavishly appointed environments, from the city museum to the hidden fortress of a vampire lord hidden within a towering skyscraper
  • Impressive 3D cel-shaded graphics


Staff Forum
Non mi piace però la soluzione del cel shaded, che associo automaticamente a giochi di tipo ben diverso rispetto a quello che mi aspetto da Dark :/