FF VI Gogo: maschio o femmina?

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Gamesource Staff

Well-Known Member
Mi è sempre piaciuto pensare che Gogo sia un maschio,anche se forse in giapponese Gogo è un nome femminile,non ne sono sicuro però,dovrei informarmi ./


Red Wizard
Cid89 ha detto:
come mai il sondaggio ha solo due opzioni?
infatti io sceglierei la terza opzione dato che non si sa.
ora cmq mi documento se trovo qualcosa che si sbilancia su uno dei due allora ve lo posto


Vyse the Legend
è un maschio,credo,da quel poco che si vede della sua faccia...e poi è troppo stupido per essere una donna,imho(basti vedere che fine fa :D)...


Red Wizard
allora su gamefaqs ci sono queste ipotesi
Many have speculated that s/he is Daryl Setzer's ex-girlfriend.
Another theory is that Gogo is actually the return of Emperor Gestahl, last seen being thrown off the floating contintent by Kefka. That Emperor Gestahl also wore large robes, knew many magical abilities, and would have a grudge against Kefka might support this.
Yet another common theory is that Gogo is Shadow/Clyde's former partner Baram. Through Shadow's dreams, you are brought to assume that Baram is dead, though you never actually see it happen.
One theory that is essentially illogical, but still of note for completion's sake, is that Gogo is actually General Leo. Support for this is little, far between, and some could even say non-existant however. A more likely theory along the same lines is that he is Vicks or Wedge, but, surprisingly, the General Leo one is far more popular.
One very, very possible theory is that Gogo is Banon. You never see what happens to him in the World of Ruin, and there are many similarities between the two characters in appearance.

Another theory is that Gogo is Gilgamesh, a recurring character in the series. This is debunked by the fact that both these characters appeared in Final Fantast V.
A more likely possibility is that Gogo is the same Gogo that appeared as a secret boss in Final Fantasy V, guarding the crystal shard that granted the Mime job. When defeated, Gogo falls in to a time/space warp of some sort, and some players think he may have been sent to the world of Final Fantasy VI.
ma anche questo
For simplicity purposes, despite how its never actually been
officially stated who/what Gogo is, I'll just refer to Gogo with male
pronouns. So don't start e-mailing me about "Gogo isn't necessarily
male!" as its just easier to do it this way than to say "s/he/it"
guardando questa
sembra un uomo ma come detto sopra non significa che lo sia veramente
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