The story follows Nao Kanzaki, an honest but naive college student, who receives 100 million yen (about $1,000,000) and an invitation to participate in the "Liar Game Tournament." The goal in the game is to trick the other players out of their 100 million yen, and the winner walks away with 100 million yen and the loser is left 100 million yen in debt.
One plot point is that Nao discovers one of her opponents is her second-year junior high school teacher, Mr. Fujisawa. Another is when Nao is tricked into giving her opponent the 100 million yen, she finds a policeman that suggests she consult Shinichi Akiyama, an ex-convict and genius recently released from jail. Nao finds Akiyama and explains her problem, and although he is reluctant at first, he agrees to help on the condition that he get half of the prize money if she wins. Akiyama succeeds in winning the game for Nao; however, Nao and Akiyama's success in the game is far from over as they keep getting dragged back into the game. Although initially unwilling participants, the pair choose to continue in order to discover the true nature of the organization involved and to try and free other participants from the game.
Cercato con search, ma c'è un topic del live action soltanto.
Qualcun altro oltre a KVD segue/seguiva (come me ;_; ) questo manga? Se si parliamone.
Incuriosito da KVD che ne parlò come un più che degno rivale di Death Note, non posso fare altro che ammettere che è dannatamente geniale e avvicente. Roba da mindfuck assurdi, talvolta nemmeno io riuscivo a seguire con esattezza i ragionamenti dei protagonisti (ma solo qualche volta eh ù.ù)
In termini di caratterizzazione dei pg Death Note è sicuramente superiore, ma per tutto il resto penso che non ci sia storia davvero.