Scaccia-nuovi utenti
Qualche buon uomo che può spiegarmi come superare il fottuto monte Katatsumuri?
Quello lo avevo capito, solo che seguendo il percorso schietto ritorno all'inizio.Se ho azzeccato il dungeon giusto, devi leggere le scritte sulle lapidi e da quelle capire qual è l'uscita giusta da ogni area di gioco, e attento alle uscite segrete spesso bisogna prenderle anche se non si vedono subito quindi si va in confusione
Read the Billboards near you, so that you know what you'll going to do. The
objective here is to find your way through the forest by choosing the correct
paths. Each correct path is accompanied by a clue of some sort that is written
on a signpost, so make sure that you read each signpost before advancing to the
next area. Also before you proceed, make sure that you read the poem since it
will play an important part in this dungeon. After you read the billboards,
head N to the next screen.
There's a secret passage SW, go there to reach the other side. Once you reach
the SW side, go N to find another secret passage that leads to the N side. Once
you reach it, head NW to the next screen.
There are two passageway here that lead to another screen. One of them is
on the N and the other one is on the S. One of them is the correct passage and
the other one is a fake. If you want to find out which one is the correct
passage, read the signposts. Each signpost has their own clues to give, but
only 1 of them has the right answer. The signpost in the N is the right one
since the signpost in the S leads to the Lost Forest.
In this area, there are two passageway. The first one is located in the N
and the other one is in the E. Since there's no signposts around to give us
clues, we need to rely on the previous signpost we've just read. The signpost
from the previous screen pointed us to go N right? So keep going N to the next
Read the 4 signposts here and you'll see that 2 of them have typos. The
signpost pointing N has the word "sun" spelt wrong, and the signpost pointing W
has the word "in" wrong. If you read the poem, the word "in" is supposed to be
"of", so the signpost pointing E is the correct path.
There's a Trish's Fountain located in the center if you want some healing.
Anyway, there are two signposts here. The first one is pointing S and the other
one is pointing W. If you read the poem, then you'll know that the W signpost
is the correct one.
There's only a signpost pointing S in the SW corner of this area. Follow that
signpost to the next screen.
There's an item box located near the signpost that contains JEWEL x3. There are
2 signposts here. If you read the poem, you'll know that the signpost pointing
N is the right one.
There are 2 signposts here, but both of them are incorrect, so head NE to find
a hidden passageway. Once you reach the NE area, you'll find the correct
signpost pointing S.
There are 3 signposts here. If you read the poem, then the correct signpost is
the one pointing W.
Open the item box that contains WONDEROUS EGGS x3. After you got it, head W to
the next screen.
Follow the path W until you reach the Hero's Temple