Epyon ha detto:
Darth la cosa è semplice.... questo Split Infinity ha messo come prima parte una normale Walkthrough e come seconda parte una guida ai segreti e tutto ciò che c'è di secondario nel gioco.... forse tu avevi salvata la seconda parte prima che l'aggiornasse... infatti ora c'è scritto che sono necessari 20.000 HP e non solo 9.999.... tutto il resto, i preparativi sono rimasti IDENTICI a parte questa differenza... infatti nella parte 1/2 non vengono citati i Dark Eons (vedi Table of Contents) mentre nella 2/2 si e c'è scritto appunto che servono almeno 20.000 HP :>
Epyon ma che stai dicendo???
C"e' scritto chiaramente:
[Penance pic available at following URL:
Kudos to Anothergamer for this extremely useful tip. There's one ability called
Cheer. It is of utmost importance against Penance. By using Cheer five times
from start of the battle not only does it increase party's Str, but it also
increases party's Def, regardless of the fact that your chrs already have 255
Def. With this information whole new area of possibilities is opened. And also
some new discoveries were made.
A character at 255 Def and 5x Cheered takes about 7500-8000 damage from
Obliteration and 9000-9800 damage from Immolation. Arm's physical attacks,
sadly, may still kill you (unless defending), as they deal over 10000 damage.
But with help of my detailed strategy above, you shouldn't worry about being
killed by arms, as you'll never see an attack from them.
Additionally this enables your chrs to drop Break HP Limit ability from armor
and integrate something else of your choice.
More... FFX gameplay board gave another big tip on this battle. In last empty
slot in your armor integrate Def+20% armor ability. Surprisingly enough, it
still adds defence value, even though your defence is already maxed!
Presenting the easiest and the ultimate strategy you've ever seen on Penance.
No longer does one need to suffer cos of Penance wiping the floor with his/her
party... No, this time you *will* wipe the floor with his ass.
a) For starters let's talk about what your stats should be:
- HP of 9999
- MP doesn't matter
- Str and Def at 255
- Mag doesn't matter
- Mdef at 255 (but for my strategy it doesn't matter)
- Agi and Acc at 255
- Luck at about 150 (trust me, you need high luck, else you'll hardly hit it)
- Eva doesn't matter (even at 255 Luck and 255 Eva I still got hit)
b) Next, what should your weapons be:
- Celestial weapons for every character you'll be using
- I recommend using weapons that are easiest to power up fully: Yuna, Auron and
c) Next, what should your armor contain:
For this strategy -> Auto-Protect, Auto-Haste, Auto-Potion, Def+20%
d) Next, what abilities you must have:
- Quick Hit, Quick Pockets, Dispel, Use
e) Lastly, what items you will need:
- Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Three Stars, Purifying Salt
Once you have all that, talk to Cid on airship. Choose 'List' and Penance is
now available as a destination. Pick it, watch the scene and the easiest (or
most boring IMO) battle begins.
Rule 1: You want to have Auto-Protect on, as Penance's attacks are physicals.
Rule 2: About dying... you'll never even have to use any reviving at all. This
strat is 100% dying free.
Rule 3: Never let any of boss' parts get an attack in with any of your
characters being under Break statuses. With this strategy all attacks you'll
ever see are Obliteration and Immolation. Only rule to oblige by is to use
Dispel immediately after Penance's Immolation.
Rule 4: Only attack Penance if both arms are gone. Always give priority to
destroying the arms and not letting them get an attack in.
- Penance will for first half of battle only use Obliteration (11000 of
physical damage to all and Slow effect, which is negated cos of Auto-Haste),
regardless of fact if he has zero, one or both arms; once 25% of his HP is
knocked off, Penance loses lower half of body and also loses Auto-Protect
- in second part Penance switches to Immolation (15000 of physical damage to
one with Armor and Mental Breaks); in case both arms are present, it may use
Judgment Day (99999 damage to all, doesn't remove Auto-Life)
- Right Arm uses Mighty Guard (Dispel Penance first!), Calamity (use Dispel on
chr affected ASAP) or Bash (19000 of physical damage to one, Petrify effect)
- Left Arm uses Mega-Graviton (takes off 75% of MAX HP (or 37,5% if under
Shell)), and some nasty status side effects), Slowga (negated by Auto-Haste) or
'Bash' (18000 of physical damage to one, removes *any* positive status on
character attacked, unless integrated in his/her armor)
Note: Damage written is damage done to Protected and Shelled characters.
Rikku (Trio of 9999), any of the guys (all of their celestial weapons have
either Counter-Attack or Evade&Counter - useful ability for second part of
Ora ok che sei stato bravo nel rivelare quella questione riguardo Diablos... ma non cercare di far sempre passare gli altri per fessi ok?