Resident Evil: Revelations | Confermato per PC/PS3/WiiU/X360


Apprendista recensore
Finito, proprio un gran bel gioco, mi e' piaciuto molto il ritorno alle atmosfere horror, ottimo il circle pad pro!!

Bahamut Zero

“The incredibly positive fan reaction to Revelations has definitely given me motivation to make another 3DS RE title,” said Resident Evil series producer Masachika Kawata.
“I have some ideas in mind. However, I have a lot of other projects that need to be taken care of first.
Hearing players say how much they enjoyed Revelations does kind of make me want to forget the other projects and get stuck right into making another RE game for fans to enjoy.”


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Zero Shift

Nella versione per console è stato aggiunto Hunk come personaggio sbloccabile.Mh,dovrebbero aggiungerlo anche in RE6 ,imho.