Io penso siano tutti annunci nuovi..
20 titoli nuovi annunciati?
Anche a me sembra abbastanza difficile :asd: !
Io penso siano tutti annunci nuovi..
Ma se non sbaglio, qualche mese fa qualcuno disse che la cosa era impossibile per il 3ds...
Unreal Engine su 3DS ? Ubisoft dice di si.
Nintendo Everything – Our second language is Nintendo++ » Blog Archive » Ubisoft says they got the Unreal Engine running on 3DS
Era una cazzata detta da Epic dopo che rimasero delusi di non aver ricevuto il kit di sviluppo per 3ds da Nintendo, l'uva è acerba!
ok, probabilmente semiconfermato da un insider uno tra monster hunter o lost planet su 3DS
Chiedimi perchè spero tanto il primo e non il secondo!
A portion of a Nintendo Power interview with Dragon Quest creator, Yuji Horii...
Nintendo Power: Do you see any advantages to making Dragon Quest on a home console again?
Yuji Horii: The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii. Of course, in the future we might develop on handhelds again, so it's really a case-by-case basis. It all depends on what the customer wants at that time. Something else we hear is that players want a new Dragon Quest that follows the same system of Dragon Quest VIII, so that's something else we're taking into consideration while in development for a Dragon Quest on Wii.
Nintendo Power: Is development on Dragon Quest X proceeding smoothly?
Yuji Horii: All we can say is that development is going well and we're on the last parts of the game. We can't really share much else at this point, but by the end of this year we should be able to announce something regarding it.
Il succo é:
1) DQ X uscirà su Wii
2) verrà annunciata la data entro l'anno
3) lo sviluppo è agli sgoccioli
si dia inizio alla festa nintendara
This information comes from Nintendo UK marketing manager James Honeywell…
“We’ve been really pleased with Wii and how it has performed. It’s the market leader in the UK by some margin. I think it has been proven really that it is Britain’s favourite home console with a huge install base. But obviously as you reach a certain level things perhaps might slow down, but again we’ve got a really strong line-up, we’re really proud with what we’ve achieved in getting it into so many homes, and we’ve have a strong campaign for promotion this year and think it will continue as a strong viable format. I guess we haven’t made any announcements recently because we’ve been concentrating on the 3DS launch, but there are still lots of games to come. I’m sure you’ll see at this year’s E3. For anybody who has a Wii, they can rest assured that we’ll be bringing some fantastic new experiences to them.”
oddio, ODDIO!