Prince of Persia: Prodigy


Metal Jeeg Solid
Staff Forum
mah... non so. Indubbiamente il livello di Cel Shading utilizzato è ottimo, ma non ce lo vedo su di un gioco come PoP. Lungi da me sentenziare a priori il gioco, ma a conti fatti posso solo commentare cio che vedo


Filmsource STAFF
Il gioco cambia nome non sara piú Prodigy ma si chiamera heir apparent,ci sarà un personaggio femminile ma non si sa se sarà giocabile, il gioco dovrebbe arrivare verso fine anno


Sensei Member
Oltre al nome del gioco sono state rese note anche alcune informazioni, la più importante delle quali la data d'uscita. Pare che il gioco salirà sugli scaffali europei in una data non ben precisata del terzo quarto di quest'anno, probabilmente tra Ottobre e Dicembre, salvo rinvii.

Il gioco avrà una grafica in cell shading, e secondo alcune indiscrezioni fondamentale sarà il personaggio femminile di Elika, di cui ancora non si conosce il ruolo ben preciso nella trama. Con una prorompente grafica in cell shading quindi Prince of Persia: Heir Apparent si prepara ad essere l'ennesimo capolavoro targato Ubisoft.


Cell-shading??chi sa come viene fuori...spero bene..altrimenti brucio Ubisoft...


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Ubisoft has quelled recent rumours that the New Prince of persia game would be called "Heir Apparent", stating that they have not released any official information on the name yet.

"A sneak preview of the latest Game Informer magazine had previously alluded to the new title. But a moderator has since posted on Ubisoft's official forums stating that 'Heir Apparent' is the name of the article and has nothing to do with the game itself".

Despite this, the game is still on track for a winter 08 launch.


Hyuga Clan's Heir
New Prince of Persia Features 'Revolutionary' AI Partner

Speaking today about the upcoming New Prince of Persia, Ubisoft producer Ben Mattes dropped several tantalizing new hints about the by-all-accounts super-stylish series reboot (which may or may not also be the recently trademarked Prince of Persia: Prodigy.)

Speaking on the subject of the game's much-talked about illustrative visual style, Mattes reinforced the fact that UbiSoft remains committed to creating a game with striking and unique presentation that invokes emotions. "The artists who created those paintings [in the Louvre] had, I like to think, a similar ambition to what we're doing" he mused.

Also confirmed by Mattes is the fact that the new Prince game will not have any continuity ties to the previous Sands of Time trilogy, though he asserts that it will still share some thematic connections as well as a maintained focus on action-platforming.

"The Sands of Time gameplay mechanic was hard to give up," says Mattes, "but the replacement will surpass it." And what is this amazing new gameplay element? Her name is "Elika": the new AI-driven support character who will be stepping up to fill Farah's shoes as the game's primary love interest/sidekick/action partner.

According to the game's creators Elika will go far beyond the typical role played by most in-game supporting characters and will in fact be integrated "into every element of gameplay" at a core level. Described by the company as a 'revolutionary AI', the new character will assist the player through many aspects of the game, such as fighting, acrobatics, puzzle solving and navigation.

"[She's] not going to be a burden" announced Mattes. "Players are not going to be getting frustrated. She's always going to be a positive. Not only is she making the game better, she's definitely not making the game worse."

A semi-hard release date of "Holiday 2008" was also confirmed for the title so hopefully we won't have long to wait all that long before seeing Elika in action.

quindi tute quelle capriole assieme alla tipa si potranno fare anche in-game, com'era prevedibile in effetti XD
forse il fatto che non dia continuità ai vecchi episodi potrebbe non piacere ai fan, ma non avendoci giocato nemmeno, non credo che possa pronunciarmi...certo che a me darebbe un pò fastidio eh

EDIT: trovato anche uno scan in-game di Elika


Hyuga Clan's Heir
New PoP For The Wii?

According to French website LiveWii, Ubisoft has revealed at its Ubidays 08 event that a dedicated Wii version of the new Prince of Persia game is on the way. Wonder if that means it's not a downgraded but motion-controlled controlled port?

qui c'è il link dell'articolo, purtroppo il francese non lo conosco ^^'