Bahamut Zero
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Editore: Square Enix
Sviluppatore: Crystal Dynamics
Uscita: Q3 2015 (come se poi non lo rinviassero al Q2 2016)
Piattaforme: PC, PS4, XOne
Dopo i violenti fatti del naufragio in Giappone, Lara Croft soffre di evidenti disturbi da stress post traumatico e il suo analista non ha capito molto della sua condizione psicologica: la giovane è determinata a vivere una nuova spericolata avventura e ha preso gusto a ficcare frecce in testa ai mercenari che le sbarrano la strada.
In her first adventure, Lara Croft was forged into a true survivor, but she glimpsed a deeper, secret world. Obsessed by what she has seen, Lara is now threatened by a shadow organization intent on killing her for what she knows. She is pushed to her physical and mental limits as she seeks the truth buried deep within the tombs of an ancient world. To unravel the mystery of a Lost City, Lara must use her survival skills and wits, learn to trust new friends, and ultimately accept her destiny as the Tomb Raider. Featuring the return of Camilla Luddington as Lara Croft, and Rhianna Pratchett crafting the story, Rise of the Tomb Raider will redefine survival action in Holiday 2015.
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