[PS3] Little Big Planet


Hyuga Clan's Heir
è un gioco dalle potenzialità mostruose (almeno da quello che si è visto) io...non ho parole per descrivere le mie aspettative, non vedo l'ora di provarlo personalmente :Q_____ _ _ __

p.s. ma come? non c'era già un topic a riguardo ;_; fortuna che ci ha pensato Jiraiya


Sensei Member
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Hyuga Clan's Heir
è stata data una relase date, uscirà il 30 ottobre in giappone, per l'america sembrerebbe addirittura uscire prima o_O ovvero il 21...per europa non si sà, si presume comunque in quel periodo


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Loads of plans" for LittleBigPlanet DLC

Developer Media Molecule has "a rather scarily long list of great ideas for ways to support the community" after LittleBigPlanet launches - but is waiting to see what people want first.

"We've got loads of plans, we're going to support it massively," studio founder Alex Evans told Eurogamer. "Content packs, new objects, new game modes... All of this stuff could be done. What we're basically waiting to see is what the demand is for.

"We can do all of that stuff - we will do all of that stuff - but what order we do it in, and how much weight we throw behind any of the different ideas that different people have got, is totally down to what the community does," he continued.

"That really excites me, because if people are loving the costumes, we can crank them out. If people are loving the levels and master classes... We've got a slightly scarily long list of great ideas for ways to support the community, and it's just a matter of prioritising at this stage."

As to what users will be paying for that content - if anything - Media Molecule hasn't made up its mind yet, but there'll definitely be some freebies in the mix.

"All options are open," Evans informed us. "I can definitely say that there will be content that's available to people free of charge - I'm just not saying exactly what that content is going to be right now.

"I can also say that if there's any way we can reward the community, we'll go there. If people are clamouring for big chunks of content, it would make total sense for us to do it. We're just exploring all options at this point. Sequels? Why not! DLC? Yeah, why not! Paid-for content? Why not!"

lol, come se il gioco in sè non bastasse, troppo :sabber: (la storia dei contenuti a pagamento non mi piace comunque...come tutto ciò che si paga del resto :D ma prima si pensa a prendere il gioco e poi al resto)


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Pre-Order LittleBigPlanet and Get Kratos Early

Sony has today revealed that people who Pre-Order their creative gem LittleBigPlanet will receive a plethora of free goodies to accompany the game.

The two Biggest freebies are the Kratos and Nariko Sackboy/girl which players will be able to use in game, perfect for anyone who cannot wait for God of War 3. As well as the two characters, a free LittleBigPlanet pouch and sticker book will also be included, for those who don't wish to keep their creative forces purely in the game.

ROTFL il titolo della news è ingannevole XD

Kratos in LBP
Nariko in LBP

lo stesso Kratos dell'avatar di Jiraiya : D


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Sony ha annunciato che LBP arriverà in europa il 29 ottobre, in contemporanea all'arrivo della ps3 da 160GB, non è stato detto se ci sarà un bundle ma si potrebbe presumere di si


Sensei Member
PS3 80GB LBP Bundle

According to FNAC.com, a French retail website, Sony will be releasing an 80GB LittleBigPlanet PS3 Bundle in Europe for €399.

The bundle pack is set to include:

- A wireless DualShock 3 controller
- An 80GB removable hard drive
- An ethernet cable
- A USB cable
- An AV cable
- A copy of LittleBigPlanet

Fonte -- PSU

Io consiglio comunque quello con MGS4 tutta la vita...


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Make awesome LBP levels, get job at Media Molecule
Dev "watching closely" for potential recruitments in LBP community

LittleBigPlanet dev Media Molecule will be "watching closely" to recruit the best community designers to work as part of the dev team, it told CVG.

Speaking in a recent interview, producer Pete Smith also dismissed previous concerns that it would enforce a charge on the best user created content.

"We've got plans for the future which I can't talk about," said Smith when we asked about the potential of users charging for levels.

"If a user becomes known as being great at making levels, I can't say we wouldn't but I don't think we'd want to take his level and then charge people for it, because it's free - that's the whole premise of the game."

He added: "However, we will be aware of who those awesome designers are and certainly there's the potential to get them building levels as part of the dev team."

Smith went on to explain the potential for a number of users to be "commissioned" to work on levels. "I think if we were gonna do that we'd rather get the top ten guys and commission them to make some amazing stuff for us," he told us at the Leipzig Games Convention last month.

And you might even land a job on the team. "But we'll be watching it closely, because it'll be a great way for us to recruit great new designers," said Smith.

sarà vero? non potrebbe essere solo un modo per aumentare le vendite? immagino lo scopriremo in seguito...


Hyuga Clan's Heir
siete venuti a conoscenza, in un modo o nell'altro, che si potrà provare la beta di questo gioco vero? bene

a tal proposito vi linko un sito che regala 750 keys per la suddetta beta

ecco a voi (il sito è tradotto dal francese) non sò se al momento ce ne sono ancora di disponibili, mi pare ci voglia l'iscrizione, nel caso controllate voi stessi :p