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Aggiornato l'orario della conferenza Microsoft, l'orario è fissato per le 19 ora italiana.
Scusa l'ignoranza, ma starebbe a dire???
Jed, Jeeg, venite in nostro aiuto ç_ç
Almeno il tempo di Andxel sarà ripagato
So as said before the right meaning is
Hit/Slash with a blade [First Kanji]
Snatch/take something from someone using the force [Second Kanji]
Then this two together can have also some different meaning. My girlfriend, who is asian and translated the kanji for me, told me not only the things written until now but she also said that the image closer to the concept of the first kanji is what you can see at min. 1.10 of this video YouTube - ??????????????????????
Now I must also point out that in the "minivideos" of the KP website there are also images of scissors not only blades...mah....
Curiouser and curiouser. The kanji for slash/snatch/grab/shoot appeared in Zone of the Enders 2 trailer.
Io pure : Q ___ _ _Se è ZoE 3 potrei morire
mi sa alle 20Sembra che la conferenza sia stata spostata alle 19.30