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Speriamo bene, temo per il prezzo. Il Gamecube quanto costava all'uscita?
Speriamo bene, temo per il prezzo. Il Gamecube quanto costava all'uscita?
Tecnicamente doveva essere 249euro il prezzo di lancio ma poichè la prima Xbox aveva annunciato un taglio del prezzo di lancio anche il Gamecube taglio il prezzo a 199euro prezzo di lancio (mai avuto un Gamecube quindi mi baso su dati trovati in giro se son errati mea culpaSperiamo bene, temo per il prezzo. Il Gamecube quanto costava all'uscita?
Tecnicamente doveva essere 249euro il prezzo di lancio ma poichè la prima Xbox aveva annunciato un taglio del prezzo di lancio anche il Gamecube taglio il prezzo a 199euro prezzo di lancio (mai avuto un Gamecube quindi mi baso su dati trovati in giro se son errati mea culpa)
- Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits
- each company has at least one game in the works
- Nintendo really reaching out to third parties
- Nintendo may hold back 1st party games at launch to help promote third party offerings
- StarFox for the Wii successor is in early development stages
- storage solution at work that should do away with the issues third parties had on Wii
- revamped downloadable service
- much-loved FPS getting a 'port' to 3DS
- big focus on 3DS at E3 showing
- Nintendo considering launching Skyward Sword around the same time Wii's successor hits
- Hideo Kojima approached concerning Wii successor
- Resident Evil game being worked on for Wii successor
- Retro working on a Wii successor game, not related to Metroid
win cazzarola!
GOnintendo ha detto:I don't often back rumors with my own approval, but this time I'm more than willing to stick my neck out there. This one comes from long-time site reader/insider/all around good guy JBPG. I'm telling you, take this information a bit more seriously than any other Wii successor rumors out there.
- Retro Studios working on Wii successor
- taking on “a project everyone wants us to do”
- information comes from two sources within Retro
- company was amongst the very first to receive a development kit
- have been working ever since on a new project for the Wii successor
Nintendo has put up their own job listing for a “Consumer Products Engineering Manager,” which is a pretty broad title, but the description of duties provide us with some clarity:
■Works with Project Development, Nintendo Co., Ltd., and external partners to develop and localize online products and services for Nintendo platforms.
■Investigates and recommends technology with a focus on network technologies and digital distribution
■Acts as a liaison regarding technical matters related to online technology
■Manages execution of a variety of network projects
■Investigating, evaluating, and recommending online technologies for use with consumer products
The entire job is dedicated to the online functionality in Nintendo’s consoles. And while I’m sure Nintendo is making new hires all the time, it fits so perfectly with their rumored intentions to “recapture the hardcore market.”
Starfox, FZero o addirittura Zelda? O_O
online cazzuto quindi
- company was amongst the very first to receive a development kit
- have been working ever since on a new project for the Wii successor
Questi punti sono in contraddizione con la news di oggi che mostra il personale che stanno cercando (praticamente in quasi tutti i settori); di certo se sono vere queste affermazioni non avremmo un nuovo IP ma "rispolvero" come i Retro ci hanno abituato se non un seguito a Metroid prime.
Con donkey kong country returns hanno dimostrato di saperci fare anche in generi a cui non hanno mai lavorato quindi non c'è da escludere F-Zero anche se Starfox è più adatto ai Retro.
Here's what the IGN Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast crew had to say in this week's show...
- should be significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3
- “surprisingly” powerful rumor was originally out there two months ago, but it was dismissed early on
- information is coming directly from people who are developing games for the system
- they say the system does exist, and the information is not rumor but unverified
- real controller is comparable to “an iPad stuck in the middle of a Dreamcast controller.”
- six-inch touchscreen in-between the dual analog sticks and triggers
- capacitative screen that is unlikely to support multi-touch
- system will supposedly be “announced in some manner before E3”
- upcoming shareholder meeting on April 26th is the most logical date
- not sure they believe the Rockstar/GTAV rumor
- may see release in first or second quarter of 2012, but late 2012 still seems more likely
- "…developers with kits are saying the controller looks like a standard controller but with an LCD and touch screen fused in the middle"
- "…this would be ideal for co-op types of games where the experienced player could be playing on the big screen, while your Dad or little brother who suck, can play co-op with some smaller type of role being played on a separate controller on the little screen."