Varie Novita da SE


Ameba Deforme
Iniziamo subito con Final Fantasy Agito XIII, che avrà anche una versione PSP; questa versione dovrebbe essere già a buon punto, visto che hanno mostrato un video durante la festa, con parecchie scene di gameplay. Nel numero di Famitsu del 18 Agosto, probabilmente, potremo sapere qualcosa sulla data di uscita.

Umm... Interessante. Speriamo che qualcuno Leaki i vari video msotrati alla festa.


il Re degli Allocchi
Pure FFXIII Agito arriverà su PSP, quanto sono fortunato ad avere quella piccola mitica consolle :D


Too stubborn to die
Binitu ha detto:
Pure FFXIII Agito arriverà su PSP, quanto sono fortunato ad avere quella piccola mitica consolle :D

Esattamente, e si dice anche sia abbastanza sviluppato, dato che hanno mostrato tantissime scene di gameplay, e non mi stupirei se vedremo una release date nei prossimi giorni, comunque, io sono gasatissimo per domani. Che annuncio faranno riguardo a ff7? :jumpdf:


Ameba Deforme
Sephirosu ha detto:
Esattamente, e si dice anche sia abbastanza sviluppato, dato che hanno mostrato tantissime scene di gameplay, e non mi stupirei se vedremo una release date nei prossimi giorni, comunque, io sono gasatissimo per domani. Che annuncio faranno riguardo a ff7? :jumpdf:



Ovviamente no, è un fake... =P


Hyuga Clan's Heir
c'è scritto remake 7 con i caratteri della scritta dell'evento privato XD

sembra uno di quei codici che solo i visionari vedono XD troppo lol


Too stubborn to die
Meteoflare ha detto:
Onestamente, son più gasato per FFVII che per FFXIII.
E' ovvio, quì siamo tutti più gasati per ff7 piuttosto che per il 13, chi in un modo chi in un altro ;)
Stavo pensando, e se non annunciano nulla domani? Se l'annuncio di cui parlavano riguardo ACCe FF7 era la demo di ff13 che uscirà insieme al film?...
Cavolo, giuro che prendo un fucile e parto per il giappone!!!

Gamesource Staff

Well-Known Member
Da qualche parte, la SE aveva comunicato che non riguardava con Advent Children Complete. Per cui o è il remake o il sequel del DoC (molto probabile).


argh il mio animo è combattuto tra una voce che urla di gioia e una che urla di paura
La gioia è perchè forse fanno sto' benedetto remake a cui stanno tirando i piedi da anni
La paura è che facciano un remake orrido e che mi distrugga uno dei miei giochi preferiti

Bahamut Zero

per chi si chiedesse cosa significa il titolo dell'evento:
D - Dissida: Final Fantasy
K - Kingdom Hearts
Σ - Sigma Harmonics
3 - 3rd Birthday
7 - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
13 - Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII

Bahamut Zero

ecco qualche descrizione di chi ha visto i vari trailer:
Final fantasy XIII ha detto:
Since the surprise announcement of the title going to the Xbox 360, details have been rather sparse for the title. Although no new details were announced a new trailer was shown at the event.

“The trailer started out with a large flyover of a savannah-like setting by one of the multicolored ships. The aircraft glided over a pack of running animals and gigantic beasts walking through a river. As the ship gained elevation and soared towards a cliff, the camera zoomed in quickly to focus in on a character standing on a cliff. No, it wasn’t Lightning, the main character of the title, but the girl with pigtails and reddish brown hair. The trailer moved away from her and refocused on the aircraft, which had been joined in formation by a number of ships to fly through a number of circular halos -– halos that allowed them to dock within a massive floating battleship that cruised through the skies.

The trailer then quickly changed to a quick sequence of what appeared to be summoned creatures, many of which we’ve seen in previous trailers. It appeared to focus primarily upon a character playing a harp (which could be the Siren summon), a fiery demonic character (which would have to be Ifrit) and the small, cutesy-looking sprite that appeared out of a disc that the girl with pigtails held (could that possibly be Carbuncle or another summon?).* With their appearance, the trailer turned from a peaceful scene to a more combative tone, highlighting a gigantic battle with ships going to war, firing weapons and deploying transports loaded with troops. While Lightning finally made her appearance within the trailer, the footage, including her battle sequences, were repurposed footage that’s been shown before. However, there were a few new elements as well, such as one scene that highlighted that one of the warring sides had captured something in a floating container and were transporting it to a ship in what appeared to be some kind of ceremony.

While the game moved away from the scene before any details were shown as to what was inside the container or who the people were, we did see new in-game engine elements that looked phenomenal. While the end of the trailer highlighted that it will come out in 2009 for the PS3 (with no mention of the 360 version), we were also informed by a later segment of the trailer montage that a demo of the game will be coming out with the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete Blu-Ray, which will be released in March of 2009.” - IGN

*Standing next to the Girl with pigtails was apparently a man with a similar appearance to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Another link to Final Fantasy VII.

Included at the event was some artwork in relation to Final Fantasy XIII. (link agli artwork già mostrati in questo topic)

quindi ancora una volta square pare essersi limitata a mostrare le solite scene con poche nuove aggiunte. vabè... piuttosto ridicolo il riferimento a FF7 che si fa nell'articolo, visto che il 90% dei personaggi di nomura assomiglia a personaggi precedenti.

Final fantasy Versus XIII ha detto:
Square showed off a brand new Versus XIII trailer that highlighted a large number of new characters, settings and even battles that look phenomenal.

Versus ClothesAlso at the Private Party was Versus XIII clothing. Apparently Square Enix have teamed up with “ROEN” to bring fans the clothing of their favourite characters. Looks like cosplay will be that much easier.

“The trailer started out with a quote stating that this game is “a fantasy based on reality.“ While we don’t know what exactly the reality of the setting happens to be, the camera focused on a car that was speeding through a tunnel, and eventually showed the main character reclining in the back seat looking extremely bored as he was driven through the passageway. The next shot was a phrase that popped up, stating that “the real figure is still hidden in the sleep.” Again, we weren’t entirely sure who this real figure is, if it’s the main character, who’s the young king that’s trying to defend his kingdom, or how they relate to the reality or fantasy of the game, but we were shown a sequence of the main character walking down stairs as a large group of armed soldiers opened fire upon him. This, and the deflection of the bullets with a crystalline shield, wasn’t new, as we saw this at E3 two years ago. However, what was somewhat new was the addition of a mysterious woman that the main character appeared to come upon suddenly.

The amount of time that was provided to this sequence was quickly cut short, as the trailer went through a fast montage of various scenes, including the battle between the main character and how he destroyed the troops that fired on him, appearing to dislocate one soldier’s arms with a sword and impaling others with another weapon. It also focused in on a group of men sitting in an elaborately decorated great hall, many of whom wore suits (akin to those of the Turks from Final Fantasy VII) and deferred their attention to one man that sat at the head of the table. With the scene taking the appearance of a boardroom meeting, it was quite apparent that the “chairman of the board” was rather displeased at events and it seemed like heads would roll.

One facet of the trailer that we weren’t expecting was introduction of three new characters, who all interact with the young king much like a group of close friends or brothers would. We watched as the young king gets put in a headlock by a young blond man with a gun that looks like a cross between a sawed off shotgun and a grenade launcher. In turn, this guy is put into a headlock by a man with a scar across his left eye. The fourth man, who wears glasses, simply looked on and shook his head in disapproval. It’s apparent that these men have some connection, and the trailer highlighted a few scenes that showed the four of them travelling in the king’s car as well as walking away from an outcropping after noticing that a highway was washed out and they couldn’t proceed along the road anymore.

Similarly, we weren’t expecting that we would be shown someone that would stand up to the king, but we were shown two figures like that. The first was a hooded man who projected a large ring of swords around him as soon as the main character approached. The other was the mysterious woman mentioned previously, who fired up her magical abilities that flashed red as the young king’s flashed blue. Both projected swords and appeared to clash with each other.

The trailer closed with a Shakespearean quote: “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” While no date was given, the trailer did emphatically state that it was only for the PS3. So don’t worry Final Fantasy fans, there’s still one FF title that isn’t going Microsoft’s way. Or is it?
idem come sopra per quanto riguarda i trailer. visto che pochi sono stati i dettagli che già non si siano visti mi soffermerei sul sodalizio Square/ROEN (che per chi come me non lo sapesse è una casa di moda) "per portare ai fans gli abiti originali dei loro eroi; fare cosplay sarà molto semplifiato". io direi che abbiamo veramente toccato il fondo.
Final Fantasy Agito XIII ha detto:
One of the surprises of the private party was the inclusion of Final Fantasy Agito XIII, which was initially scheduled to be released as a mobile game, but is now coming to the PSP. While the title wasn’t given a specific release date, some elements of the story were shown in the trailer, as well as quick glimpses of gameplay.

“The trailer initially started out with one of those grainy film filters that seemed reminiscent of classic newsreel footage. It presented a flyover of a map that showed off different kingdoms, and highlighted one militaristic nation that due to the machinations and speeches of its leader, began invasions of its neighbors. Apparently, its march to war was unimpeded until it reached a lone island kingdom isolated from the rest of the continent, which appeared to be protected by a giant crystal. However, it does appear as though the crystal eventually shatters, leaving the kingdom unprotected and seemingly defenseless. That is, until a mysterious woman clad in a cloak emerged in front of the army, wielding both a whip like sword (reminiscent of SoulCalibur’s Ivy) and other blades.

While the trailer focused on quick flashes of gameplay interspersed with CG cutscenes, the trailer eventually ended with the cloaked woman planting a flag, which appeared to be the colors of the invaded island nation. This rallied many other cloaked figures to arise and take up arms against their attackers. Whoever this resistance group is, they all look rather dangerous, with their own specialization of different weapons. The trailer then ends. While we were left with many more questions than answers, this definitely put the title on our radar whenever it is released on PSPs.” -
sarebbe stato utile specificare se le scene di gameplay mostravano una estetica da psp o da porting da telefono cellulare. comunque dubito che square dovrà sforzarsi più di tanto visto che sicuramente userà il motore grafico di crisis core per tutti questi capitoli psp.

last but not least: signori e signori la DISSIDIA POTION!

prendete e bevetene tutti............
già vedo lo slogan, sete di final fantasy? dissetati con dissidia..