Per le nuove notizie (Birth By Sleep)


Hyuga Clan's Heir
credo, anzi sono quasi sicuro, che nel BbS metteranno Zack, sia per il successo di CC, ma piu di tutto perchè il BbS è ambientato 10 anni prima di KH, quindi sicuramente metteranno in atto una specie di prequel anche sulla storia KingdomHeartsiana di Cloud, con Zack e Sephirot presenti (e chissà forse anche Genesis) ma è anche probabile che inseriranno alcuni dei pg di Dissidia, anche solo per pubblicizzarlo

mie considerazioni ancora piu improbabili, ma non cosi tanto: metteranno Sora Paperino e Pippo come boss opzionale di Terra, e inseriranno anche Chaos come boss opzionale, e forse anche Genesis, il tutto sempre nel BbS ovviamente...per ora le vedo come cose probabili


The Slayer of God
Enigma ha detto:
credo, anzi sono quasi sicuro, che nel BbS metteranno Zack, sia per il successo di CC, ma piu di tutto perchè il BbS è ambientato 10 anni prima di KH, quindi sicuramente metteranno in atto una specie di prequel anche sulla storia KingdomHeartsiana di Cloud, con Zack e Sephirot presenti (e chissà forse anche Genesis) ma è anche probabile che inseriranno alcuni dei pg di Dissidia, anche solo per pubblicizzarlo

mie considerazioni ancora piu improbabili, ma non cosi tanto: metteranno Sora Paperino e Pippo come boss opzionale di Terra, e inseriranno anche Chaos come boss opzionale, e forse anche Genesis, il tutto sempre nel BbS ovviamente...per ora le vedo come cose probabili

Probabilmente qualcosa su Zack e Genesis metteranno, ma non penso che vadano oltre. Nei due KH, Cloud e Sephiroth avevano un senso: la loro storia, come quella di Leon, Cid e degli altri personaggi di FF, si intrecciava con la principale. Quindi, magari Zack ci può stare, anche se, ora che mi ci fai pensare, non vorrei
vederlo morire un'altra volta fra le braccia di Cloud. :(
Chissà, magari lo mettono anche per risaltare Aerith, che in KH II si é un po' persa a vantaggio di Tifa. Sora & Company ci possono essere come boss secondari, così da dare a Terra la rivincita per il Final Mix +. Ma mettere personaggi del Dissidia solo per sponsorizzarlo, mmm, non la vedo buona come cosa.


Hyuga Clan's Heir
Sephirously35 ha detto:
mmm, non la vedo buona come cosa.
infatti nessuna delle cose che ho elencato per me sono cose buone :D, solo la presenza di Sora & company come boss, il resto se lo potrebbero sparagnare tranquillamente imho

purtroppo non inserire Zack e/o Genesis per loro sarebbe come tagliarsi la testa commercialmente...per questo sono abbastanza sicuro che almeno uno dei 2 ci sarà...e si
preparati a rivedere la morte di Zack :D magari in slasa piu...commerciale u.u


Hyuga Clan's Heir
questo pezzo è preso dalla stessa rivista francese da dove presi notizie del 358/2 Days pochi giorni fà

2009 Release

-The demo presented at the Private Party is susceptible to change and does not entirely reflect the future capacities of the game
-The special magic and attacks depend on the gauge (Focus Gauge?)
-Terra must, like Riku, resist the attracting power of darkness
-Each character possess their own techniques like this "Fatal Mode" allowing them to carry out more destructive combos compared to their normal attacks
-When the Focus Bar is full, pressing the R button switches it to "Shoot Lock mode" which targets enemies before they inflict heavy and powerful damage
-The Keyblades resemble more and more weapons and less and less keys. To lock the worlds is no longer really much of a topicality
-"The graphics are nice, seems the PSP has nothing more to prove. Final Fantasy fans shouldn't think of KH as just 'Disney and cartoon animals' because that is a bad impression."


The Key of Destiny
Due settimane fa' mi sono preso la PSP SOLO per giocare a Birth By Sleep.....(e anche a CC:FFVII se è per quello....:D) Spero (ma so che sarà così) che ne fosse valsa la pena...!!!!


Hyuga Clan's Heir
ed eccovi l'ennesima intervista di Nomura, stavolta è quella del Degeki Wii + DS ma nonostante ciò, tratta di tutti i KH a venire (solo quelli annunciati ovviamente XP)


―― First let's talk about KH 358/2 Days, it features the nobody Roxas as the main character?

Nomura: The KH series has consistently revolved around the theme of the "heart", but now Roxas is the main character who joins up with Organization XIII who are said not to have hearts. Since the original KH, heart and memory are thought to be closely linked, therefore the theme drawn in this title is that of "memories". So this time the catch copy of the title also becomes keywords: "I can't remember, something important."

―― Will the adventure of Roxas proceed the same as Sora did by traveling from world to world?

Nomura: It'll be a little different. The main concern is the sticky situation with the worlds Sora has been since it can't contradict with the story of KHII. This time the objective of the events happening in the Disney worlds is to influence Roxas, gradually producing some sort of change in him. For instance, in the Beauty and the Beast world, upon seeing the Beast and Belle, is Roxas able to recognize their love?

―― Will the content of such scenarios move the player to tears?

Nomura: I write the base scenarios for KH every time, but this time I think the surprising content is really being able to get a feel for their quiet everyday lives. (Smiles) Personally, I don't want the contents to resemble that of previous developments. When I'm writing, I never think things like, "Oh, this'll make the player cry." That process is really up to the players, right?

―― Does the connection between the titles become a matter of concern?

Nomura: Naturally, there's much to keep in mind. There are various parts to think about, like "this thing has to be connected with that kind of thing," or fussing over things like the sea salt ice cream. (Smiles)

―― So we heard the lines spoken by the 14th member at the private event held in August.

Nomura: Really it was planned to reveal her voice in the scenes at the next event. (Smiles) It's a curious thing, everyone is wondering which character her voice connects to. Already people are guessing she is the nobody of some character, but then who is Xion really? What becomes of her heart? This will be explored more at Tokyo Game Show this Fall, so please look forward to it.

―― Multi player mode is prepared for this title as well, what kind of concept were in mind?

Nomura: We wanted something simple that 4 players could communicate and enjoy together, but not be something that was just going to steal the game's attention. The experience made in the main story can be utilized in multiplayer mode, likewise the experience made in multiplayer mode is useful in the main story, this system reflects them mutually.

―― Because the player can choose from the members of Organization XIII in multiplayer mode, it seems like an adjustment to balance them would be needed...

Nomura: Indeed. But growth among them will be a common element. In the multiplayer mode, the characters can be customized based on the progress made by Roxas in the main story. That growth is based on the parts of data being transfered, it's a fairly bold thing to do.

―― Speaking of boldness, in the demo version, the player could operate the camera using the lower screen, that was also a bold idea.

Nomura: Moving the camera by directly moving one's finger across the touch screen made sense, even for players who generally aren't used to that sort of thing. It was also popular among staff, though it was their opinion that "it was difficult to operate with the stylus." Therefore operating with the stylus is optional. (Smiles) Still, some people will resist touching the screen with their fingers. In the current version you could only survey left and right, I though that you wouldn't need to look up or down, but the opinion of the staff was that "it's inconvenient unless the player can look up." Will there be room for improvement? (Smiles) The current demo is only one part of the game. At this time there are more cool things to do, so please look forward to it.


―― Kingdom Hearts Mobile starts on the mobile phone, what kind of service will it be?

Nomura: The portal site for KH Mobile will be crammed with KH related information and items. You'll be able to look up information on the games of the KH series, mobile phone screensavers and ringtones will be available, the plan is to have this site contain everything related to KH so that it can easily be accessed on the mobile phone. But in order to keep it from being a dull general information site, users can create avatars. So when the user wants a new screensaver or ring tone, they take their avatar to the town shop and make a purchase (downloading it).

―― Will users be able to change their avatars after they've made one?

Nomura: As for that, they'll be able to do it freely. (Smiles) Your avatar could have the face of Sora and body of Riku. With accessories and costumes, and customizing the face and hairstyle little by little, the users can create good variations. In order to do so they'll have to go to the town shop and purchase these things (download them).

―― Other than the avatars, will site information and other buyable items be updated?

Nomura: It's intended to be updated regularly. As the number of buyable items increase, hopefully event items for every season will become available.

―― Will contents of Kingdom Hearts Coded be available on KH Mobile?

Nomura: Well, KH Mobile will be the first out, so from it you'll be able to choose to play KH Coded.

―― When does the service start?

Nomura: It's announced for this Fall, but the portal site is earnestly being developed so that is ready in time for Tokyo Game Show. There isn't a particular update yet, but it'll be an fun place people will want to play at.


―― KH Coded is the direct sequel of KHII, could you tells about it's highlights?

Nomura: The content of KH Coded is similar to that of KH Chain of Memories (COM below). Even for players who aren't aware of the previous story, everyone will be able to deepen their understanding
of the KH series. Therefore people who already fans of KH will really want to play this game by all means.

―― What kind of concrete development will it have?

Nomura: The story investigates the mystery message left inside Jiminy's Journal, so like in COM the characters travel through the past. But like the case of COM, a new drama following KH unfolds, those intervals will enter as original episodes. In the case of KH Coded, they visit the same Traverse Town but something is different. Why is that? Examining those kind of parts close up becomes the content of this game.

―― A very deep story seems to unfold.

Nomura: It's breadth is not so vast, but the inner part of the story becomes deep. At the private event last month the keywords "the forbidden secret" were compiled in the trailer, so generally speaking that becomes the image of this title.

―― In recent screenshots, depictions of arrows on the screen are shown, are these instructions for attacking?

Nomura: The arrows indicate the order of input for the direction keys. The system works by inputting the keys in order which results in a simple combo of attacks. Since it's operations are suited to work on the mobile phone, it becomes similar to ordinary mobile phone operations.

―― Will KH Coded also be released via mobile delivery format?

Nomura: That's right, but it won't be released in it's entirety. Because the KH series is based on moving through the worlds while advancing the story, I'm thinking that the new worlds for the title will be distributed gradually.


―― What kind of theme is drawn up in the story of KH Birth by Sleep (BbS below)?

Nomura: The theme seems to revolves between "connections of the heart" and "fate." When it is played last, the player will understand that the KH story that take place afterwards is one "not of chance, but a story that becomes inevitable." Unlike the tender atmosphere of the older games, this one is serious. Because it is a very sad story, people have asked "how do you manage it?" when involving Disney works. (Smiles) A painful story unfolds. Though KH "isn't that kind of thing", this time we'll try to progress the story in that direction.

―― Terra, Ventus, and Aqua appear as the main three characters, but what kind of characters are each of them?

Nomura: Terra is the type who makes his goal's his highest priority. But he's not a bad fellow, though his stress on obtaining his goals causes conflict. The story of Ventus seems to feel closer to the ones of KH seen so far. He is able to make friends with the dwellers of the worlds he visits and is the type to blend into a world naturally. Aqua is a serious character, she has a steady mind and often worries about the other two. She is eyewitness to the recent events, therefore she takes that sort of a standpoint.

―― How does the story of these three advance?

Nomura: They advance by taking separate actions on the same time axis. For example, when Terra visits a certain world and the other two people have not been there yet. There by naturally the connection to the particular world changes too. Such story development will really be the charm of BbS.

―― As for the play order of each character, can the player decide?

Nomura: I assume that it's being developed right now. Therefore depending on the order chosen by the player, if they have not played as Terra yet, and they choose Aqua and start visiting worlds with her, they'll understand the actions of Terra early. (Smiles) That might not be what was expected or hoped for, but I think it will be a little interesting.

―― If all 3 characters come together in the ending, will the entire image of the story become clear?

Nomura: Indeed. For instance, the mysteries of Terra are revealed in Ventus's story. Overall, it'll have this type of composition.

―― Terra is power based, and the from the demo it's obvious Ventus is based on combo + speed, but what type of character is Aqua?

Nomura: Aqua is special. As for the type, she is magic based, though it is considerably tricky. Fight while rotating like a spinning object, doing cartwheels, that sort of thing. (Smiles)

―― After grasping the feel of the game play, the combat system seems considerably based on powering up.

Nomura: Seems like it, with locking on to multiple enemies using the Shoot Lock System to attack and customizing the deck of skills. At the demo the deck of skills was already pre set, but in the actual game you'll be able to edit it freely. At first BbS was expected to have a fighting system closest to the older games, but now it seems that KH 358/2 Days is and BbS's system has evolved. The feeling is more like, "you can't fight like Sora with this system," therefore a real taste of managing the keyblade is shown.

―― Of the stories heard in these three titles, it seems BbS will probably be the last to release, are you thinking about future titles after these?

Nomura: Considering the nature the KH series, I do not intend to end it here. Even as BbS is being made, I am thinking about the future and how it connects. Thus, please continue to support the KH series.


oltre a questo, per la rete stà girando un nuovo rumor da un pò di tempo a queta parte, sembra che il sito PS3Life abbia dichiarato che il Coded uscirà ANCHE per PSP...sinceramente mi sembra davvero un rumor infondato, dall'intervista di Nomura sopra-riportata si presume che sia studiato solo e soltanto per cellulari, e poi avrebbero potuto annunciarlo benissimo all'E3 assieme a PE3 e Agito invece di farlo ora (con ora si intende che lo annuncieranno al TGS, sempre teoricamente)


Hyuga Clan's Heir

-Still planned for a 2009 release window for Japan.
-The trailer at TGS hasn't changed much from the trailer presented at DΣS3713 Party
-Some gameplay footage of Aqua was shown. She floats and uses the Keyblade without touching it, much like that of Sora's Final Form from KHII.
-Cutscenes featuring Aqua in Castle of Dreams as well as the Snow White World is shown.
-The Unbirths are said to be much quicker than the Heartless and are animated extremely well to be twitchy and nervous in appearance.
-The Playable Demo seems to be the exact same one from the DΣS3713 Party
-Ven's modes were: Cyclone, Speed Rave, Firebreeze, and Thunder
-When playing as Ventus, in the Thunder mode, you could temporarily use techniques like Strike Raid and Zero Graviga. The finishing moves in normal mode was cure and regular attacking.
-When playing as Terra, it seems the main finishing move in normal mode was a freeze attack.
-Fatal Mode is an attacking system based on dealing heavy blows

Famitsu Interview with Nomura

──If 358/2 Days was emphasizing Xion, then was Birth by Sleep emphasizing Aqua?

Nomura: Aqua's battle scenes were exhibited for the first time to the public, her movement is fast and easy to overlook. So that you don't lose sight of her, concentrate and try to keep your eyes on her. Frankly speaking, since its hard to see clearly, she is teleporting in the battle scenes. Because the teleportation occurs instantaneously, it's hard to catch sight of. (Laughs)

filmati di gameplay dal TGS



-There is a scene in the trailer where an Organization Member is in the King's Room, though whether or not this is in the data world, or the real world is uncertain.
-A person wearing the same type of coat as a member of Organization XIII appears, and from under its feet, the bugs spread. In this scene, the person says: "The world is damaged." After that, a trailer for Kingdom Hearts Mobile is shown. This enigmatic line is inserted: "A door connected to the secrets from this world."
-Coded had a surprise playable demo at TGS and it feels very nostalgic to the first Kingdom Hearts.

Trailer Impression from FF&KH Online

There is a person wearing the coat of a Organization XIII member confronting Sora on Destiny Islands.
Organization member: "This world is damaged."
Organization member: "You'll have to go if you want to heal it's wounds."

Now Sora confronts the person dressed as an Organization XIII member in Traverse Town.
The bugs spread from the Organization XIII member's feet, appearing as black and red blocks.

Sora: "It's you causing this catastrophe!?"

Lastly the Organization XIII member appears before the King's castle. Again, the bugs spread from underneath their feet.


-KH Mobile demo available at Square Enix booth
-Two mini puzzle games were playable in the KH Mobile Demo

Famitsu Interview with Nomura

──Seems like the start of the Mobile site service is quickly approaching.

Nomura: Indeed. It's being gone over daily to make sure there are no bugs in it. The avatars are even more interesting than you could imagine. In the promotional video, if Sora is Sora, and Riku is Riku, they could rearrange their appearances so one avatar has the head of Sora and the body of Riku, and vice versa. Actually, every part will be able to be customized freely. The impression in the trailer we wanted to display is that te feature is packed with a wide variety of contents.

──Do you have your own avatar?

Nomura: Would you like to see it?

──Of course!

──It's cute with a devilish nature. (Laughs) So can you play with it?
Nomura: I made a new type of heartless. (Laughs) There is a demo with playable mini games in the mobile corner, please stop by there if you get the chance.

KH Mobile Demo Impressions From FF&KH Onlinfo

I made it to the KH Mobile demo!

The playable save file has a lot of munny/points. You can play in Traverse Town, Olympus, or Castle Oblivion. Each player operates Sora, and in each mini game there are 3 characters relating to their worlds. Together it makes a competition of 4 characters.
Traverse Town: Leon, Cloud, and Aeris
Olympus: Hercules, Phil, and Hades
Castle Oblivion: Larxene, Axel, and Vexen

While playing, special rules like "Cut 8" and "Joker" are enforced when playing against the members of Castle Obilvion. When you have the weakest (lowest) card out of 3, you put out two more. Then Larxene will say something like: "You're really bad at this!" or Vexen will cackle a little. By the way, the pattern on the joker card has a moogle on it.


The Slayer of God
*Tati* ha detto:
Trailer tradotto di Birth by Sleep, s'iniziano a intravedere elementi della trama che condurranno poi a quella di Kingdom Hearts I.

Birth by sleep TGS2008 Trailer

Molto interessante la traduzione: a parte il discorso su Terra, su cui si erano ipotizzate varie cose, fra cui che lui avesse ceduto all'oscurità, é interessante (o inquietante) Ven quando dice "Erase me" a un suo amico (forse Terra?).


Binitu ha detto:
Mi sembra abbastanza evidente che Xenahort di KH2 non è altri che Terra di BBS, Malefica dice che soccomberà all' oscurità per acquisire potenza.
Beh, allora dev'essere andato dal chirurgo estetico, visto che Xeanorth ha i capelli bianchi e la pelle olivastra (ed è giovane, visto che si tratta dell'apprendista di Ansem).
A parte gli scherzi, non credo che si tratti di Xeanorth di KH I e II.


Hyuga Clan's Heir
questa è forse la teoria piu vecchia e ribadita del BbS, ricordo che lo stesso Nomura, quando qualcuno gli chiese qualcosa riguardo Terra/Xehanort, se ne usci con una roba tipo "i fan non sono cosi stupidi, immagino sapranno trarre da soli le loro conclusioni"
ovviamente non ha voluto compromettersi, ma nonostante tali parole, sono anch'io in un certo qual modo scettico su questa teoria...non sò, è stato fin troppo facile capirlo fin dall'inizio, c'è qualcosa di strano

leggendo la traduzione del trailer, mi rendo conto che quello è lo stesso trailer dell'evento privato squex, sono tutte cose che si sapevano già, solo che ancora non si erano viste sottoforma di filmato...hanno riciclato i trailer! D=