Lo 0,6 è assurdo, la solita mandria di haters che si aggira sulle pagine di Metacritic.
ma infatti mi chiedo perchè metacritic continua a tenere la votazione degli utenti che non ha alcun valore
Lo 0,6 è assurdo, la solita mandria di haters che si aggira sulle pagine di Metacritic.
"Capcom you finally destroy the series maybe you can rename the game as Resident Evil Black Ops. -_- F%ck you Paul W. S. Anderson this is your fault. lmao"
Voto: 0
Lo 0,6 è assurdo, la solita mandria di haters che si aggira sulle pagine di Metacritic.
@Teocida: Tralasciando i voti a me la demo ha fatto talmente schifo che anche se me lo prestano non saprei se giocarlo.
Dont let those trolls fool you, they havent play the game yet, and if they have its because they pirated it. Will you really listen to people who pirates games and makes the industry die slowly? please buy this game if you want the gaming world to survive another generation. This game is awesome, it beats resident evil 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, the only bad thing about its multiple campaign is that they all end. Dont listen to Tas el Kender, Dionisios21, bad_hunter or that **** **** of xiphias, this game rocks. Graphics: 10 the best looking game of our generation and Leon is too hot sound: 10 it sounds scary sometimes Gameplay: 10 its like RE 4 but with more explosions and characters can it be better? fun: 100000 in the end its what matters so stop trolling k? People are only butthurt because their sucky REmake and stupid control will never comeback. hahaha, accept gaming evolution already.
Voto: 10
Ha modificato il post.Tsé, Mizar ti risponderebbe con ecc..
Dont let those trolls fool you, they havent play the game yet, and if they have its because they pirated it. Will you really listen to people who pirates games and makes the industry die slowly? please buy this game if you want the gaming world to survive another generation. This game is awesome, it beats resident evil 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, the only bad thing about its multiple campaign is that they all end. Dont listen to Tas el Kender, Dionisios21 or that **** **** of xiphias, this game rocks. Graphics: 10 the best looking game of our generation and Leon is too hot sound: 10 it sounds scary sometimes Gameplay: 10 its like RE 4 but with more explosions and characters can it be better? fun: 100000 in the end its what matters so stop trolling k? People are only butthurt because their sucky REmake and stupid control will never comeback. hahaha, accept gaming evolution already.
Tranquillo che tanto adesso arriva Black Ops 2 a smuovere le acque.bisogna però dire che era da Diablo 3 che non vedevo così tanti haters tutti insieme.
Oggi sono passato da GameStop ed un po' di gente l'ha comprato: domani torno per vedere quanti l'hanno riportato. Uno che conosco mi ha già confessato che lo compra per sfizio, tanto se non gli piace lo riporta domani e lo cambia con Guild Wars.per lo meno RE6 si è dimostrato una grandissima fonte d'ilarità fin'ora, devo dargliene atto :asd:
in nemmeno un giorno i commenti di lamentela si sono (giustamente) moltiplicati più delle blatte a napoli, non li ho letti tutti ma pare che l'errore sia di capcom, uno degli utenti ha postato una mail del loro servizio tecnico che diceva
We are working on a revised 1.01 patch; we do not have a firm timetable for it, but we hope to have it live next week at the latest.
Users who have previously downloaded the 1.01 patch will, unfortunately, have to delete the game from their PS3 and download it again. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience, especially as many of these users will have pre-ordered and downloaded the game early, expressly so they could play the game today without waiting.
Users with the PSN version will be able to play multiplayer with other PSN users. However you will not be able to play multiplayer games with users with the disk version until we have released the new 1.01 PSN patch.
You will also not have access to the RE NET service, which is what patch 1.01 adds to the game.
Best regards
Vibeke M.
Capcom Technical Support
la cosa "figa" dell'aver speso 200 euro per la collector's edition di RE6 è che è l'unica versione in cui è possibile giocarlo in inglese subbato ita![]()