Silver_Auron92 ha detto:
XDDD a problemi estremi estremi rimedi XD
ragazzo, lo dico con tutto cuore, io non ti ho coinvolto, tu mi hai praticamente dato del nazifascista in un post, mi hai dato del tiranno dello stupido, soltanto cperchè uso il turpilocqui non è qualcosa che m'identifica come un mostro.
Visto che tu nn sai come controbattere bisogna dedurre che questa tua presa di posizione sia data dal fatto che non riesci a raccimolare le idee necessarie.
Io non impongo, constato, ho fatto un'analisi obbiettiva
a me piace FFX ci sono momenti veramente profondi, so a memoria il discorso con yunalesca, l'unico punto in cui si parla di religione non di caramelle.
Have you chosen the one who becames your faith? Who will be?
May i ask something firt. Is possibile to defeat sin with final summoning?
Sin is ethernal, every eon that defeats him becames sin in its place and does sin reborn.
So it 's the why that jecht becames sin
Sin is an inevible part of spira destiny, Is never endig
But but If we atoment our crime, sin stop coming back, someday it will be gone.
Can humanity ever obtain such purity
This cannot be, the theachings says that without sin there isn't torment. It has been our only hope.
Hope is conforting, it allows to accept the destiny however tragici it is.
BNO! There is the sense of these? Braska belives in yevon and died for them. Jecht belives in braska and gave his life for him
They choose to die becouse they had that hope.
Yevon theachings and final summonig give peaple of spira hope, without that hope, they drawn in their sorrow. now choose who will be the new faith who will renew spira's hope.
None, I'm gladly to die for spira. I live for the peaple of spira, but no more, Final summoning is a false tradition
No It is our only hope, your father sacrifices him selfs to give peaple of spira hope
Wrong my father wanted to make spira's sorrow go away not cover it with false hope.
Poor creature, you trow away hope, very well... i free you befoure you drawn in your sorrow it's bettere live in hope than live in dispear, let me be your liberator
alcune parole non so lo spelling